Instant Prior Auth Estimates

See if you'll be covered in under a minute

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Estimate out-of-pocket costs for popular treatments needing prior authorization—like Ozempic and Humira.
No waiting or paperwork.

Why Standard Care?

Save money

Save Big on Specialty Treatments. Share Medical History for Personalized, Affordable Care via

Shop confidently

Depend on Our Vetted Network for Real Prevention. Reliable Care Beyond Traditional Reviews.

Stay in control

Protect Your Privacy: Manage Record Access Effortlessly with Standard Care's Consent Controls.

Free For You

To maximize access and your peace of mind we work with partner clinics to subsidize the operating costs.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us or check our privacy policy.
Or learn more about our team and mission.

Easier Access

Our partner clinics offer free access for patients to Standard Care's advanced AI, ensuring top-notch care with fewer financial barriers.

With Standard Care, patients can securely save and share personal health records with providers.

(for patients)

Charlene Joyce
Scranton, PA

"Getting access to GLP-1s has been unpredictable and confusing. Standard Care's AI asked all the right questions upfront. By the time I spoke to the clinic, everything was taken care of.

I highly recommend it for anyone struggling with weight loss or chronic illness."

Predictable and Hassle-Free

Standard Care recognized these common challenges and turned it into an opportunity for a better healthcare experience.

AI-Powered Precision

By asking the right questions from the beginning, our AI technology eliminates uncertainty to streamline access to care.

Effortless Coordination with Clinics

Standard Care not only facilitates the initial steps but seamlessly coordinates with your choice clinics, ensuring that the entire process is taken care of, leaving you with peace of mind.

Are you a clinician?

Elevate your online clinic with our PRO tools! Simplify paperwork for specialty treatments — better patient care and reduced staff workload. Schedule a demo now and revolutionize your practice!
Handle More Patients
Easier Prior Auth
Reduce Friction