Digital Health Regulations 101: FDA vs. Wellness

Digital Health Regulations 101: FDA vs. Wellness

Michael B. Martinelli, JD, MS, MS
Ryan Stellar

  • Michael Martinelli, JD, MS, MS is the Founding Director of Government at Standard Care and Principal at Epiphron Group LLC
  • ​Mike holds a JD with a concentration in health law and two MS degrees in Biomedical Sciences & Public Policy.
  • Ryan Stellar is the CEO & Co-founder of Standard Care
  • ​Agenda: A brief overview of FDA medical device regulation. ​A discussion on navigating intricate boundaries of medical device regulation vs. wellness technologies
  • ​Audience: ​Virtual care providers, digital health, wellness, DTx companies that are developing their regulatory strategies.
  • ​Format: ​Interactive presentation, ​20mins of Q&A; FAQs welcome


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